Elèves dans une salle de cours au British Council avec leur professeur d'anglais

We have an inclusive approach when it comes to the specific educational needs of our students.

We try, as far as possible, to provide an adapted and appropriate learning environment for our learners who have special needs - whether they be physical, psychological, or cognitive.  

It is also very important to let us know if there are any health protocols we are required to follow in case of, for instance, allergies, epilepsy, or asthma.

We also try to facilitate access to our building and classrooms to students with physical disabilities.

Mary Ann Wilson is our main point of contact for all learners who have special need requirements. She will talk to your (or your child's) teacher to ensure we provide you with the best learning experience and provide you with a safe and adapted learning environment.

Please send her an email with your needs and she will come back to you if she has further questions. Don't forget to give her your last and first names and your phone number. She will treat your information confidentially and she will liaise directly with the class teacher to ensure that any necessary preparations are taken.