Our work with alumni networks is all about facilitating connections and staying in touch. This can be done through joining the alumni association of your UK university once you are back in France.

You can also join Alumni UK, the British Council new global network for people from around the world who have studied in the UK as an overseas student. By joining Alumni UK, you can grow your worldwide professional network, continue learning and share your experience and expertise with others. You will find resources to develop your career and new opportunities to help you succeed. It’s also a place where you can celebrate your connection to the UK and keep up to date with UK culture and English language. 

Sign up to join Alumni UK


Upcoming training courses

Delivering Great Performance Reviews: A Guide for Managers by City CV & British Council - Tuesday 22 April at 2pm: This practical and interactive session is for all managers and provides them with the opportunity to understand why performance reviews are critical for both individual and organisational success. 

Don't forget: you can also access our complimentary recordings from one of our previous training sessions. 

Our work in France

We keep in touch with our UK alumni network (by alumni we mean former students or graduates of an educational institution, or who have had a shared learning experience thanks to a training programme or scholarship) to inform them about our global Alumni UK network opportunities, to invite them to speak or attend conferences, festivals and other events which we organised, often in collaboration with our partners UKAN.

We also oversee a specific network of Entente Cordiale alumni in France: former students who have received an Entente Cordiale scholarship to study in the UK or in France.

Sharing your experience

If you have had an interesting or enriching experience in the UK and would like to share it, like Alice, you may like to write a short testimonial for the British Council France's blog.

We welcome testimonials in English or in French that would show how your time in the UK has had an impact on your professional ambitions or given you a more international or different perspective. We also welcome input from alumni at educational events, for example on panels or fairs discussing topics around studying in the UK.

If you are interested, you can email us.

UKAN (United Kingdom Alumni Network) in France

United Kingdom Alumni Network (UKAN) in France is an informal network that provides events for France-based graduates of universities from the British Isles.

UKAN events include highly successful professional meetings (networking, talks, discussions etc), as well as purely social events bringing together alumni who are resident for the short or long term in France. UKAN is driven by and dependent on an enthusiastic group of alumni coordinators from a variety of UK universities, as well as on input from the alumni community in France.

By collaborating together they support the individual communities as well as the overall community and have a larger audience for the organisation of events. Coordinators are long-time residents of France and seek to leverage their knowledge of France and the British Isles for the benefit and enjoyment of UKAN participants. Membership of UKAN is currently free. Do not hesitate to contact them.

UKAN are currently in regular touch with a number of UK alumni groups in France. Download the list at the bottom of this page. Most of these networks also have Facebook groups you can join to keep in touch with their events and activities.

If you are a member of another alumni group or university that you think we should be in touch with, please let us know by emailing us: FRalumni@britishcouncil.org.