CPF English course students in a classroom

The CPF and your English language course – how does it work? 

  1. Create your “Compte personnel de formation” (i.e., ‘personal training account’) online.
  2. Check the amount you are entitled to.
  3. Choose a qualifying course. For example, you can use the CPF to undertake an English language training course as long as it results in a certification found in the RS list. You can use the TOEIC eligibility number, which is : code Formacode 15234 or N° fiche RS5550.
  4. Enjoy your course. And don't forget to complete the language qualification that is necessary to meet the CPF funding requirements.

Find out more detail regarding each of these steps by reading the sections below:

How to take advantage of the CPF? What is the procedure?

  1. Book a free consultation with one of our teachers for a free placement test with the British Council ;
  2. consult our list of courses above and click on the link to the course you are interested in which will take you to the correct page on the site MonCompteFormation ;
  3. login or register if it's your first time ;
  4. select the dates required and click on "s'inscrire à cette session” (register for a session) ;
  5. once your request is complete, we will validate your request as soon as possible. 

NB : if your CPF credit is below the cost of the course, you will need to pay the difference when you confirm your registration.

What is the CPF?

The “Compte personnel de formation” (i.e., ‘personal training account’) was created in order to provide training opportunities throughout an employee’s professional life in France, encouraging everyone to undertake training or study throughout their working life until retirement age.

The CPF is made available to employees working in the private sector, jobseekers, and youth who are entering the world of work (at 15 or 16 years old).

How much am I entitled to?

From 1 January 2019, the CPF rights for which each employee from the private sector is shown in euros, and no longer in hours.

2019 will be a transitional period, during which the CPF account will be credited with a maximum amount of €360 for a full-time job. For a part-time job, the CPF will be funded on a pro rata basis.

From 2020, the account will be fed each year with a sum ranging from €500 to €800  (depending on the type of contract and the qualification of the employee).

To find out the cumulative amount on your CPF, please visit the CPF site

NB: Some company agreements, your employer, the employment centre, or the regions may allow you to take advantage of additional training rights. 

Which training courses are available via the CPF scheme?

You can use the CPF to undertake an English language training course as long as it results in an English language certification that figures in the list established by the CNCP (Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle). 

At the British Council, we use the TOEIC test to certify your course for the CPF, which figures in the list (code Formacode 15234, N°fiche RS5550).

Since the beginning of 2015 the list of training courses compatible with the CPF has evolved frequently, and it continues to do so. A full list of courses and certifications is available on the France compétences website.

You can also consult the list of training courses on the official government website for the CPF.

What is the difference between the DIF and the CPF?

As part of the reform of continuing education system in France, from 1 January 2015 the CPF replaced the DIF (“Droit individuel à la formation”). The DIF offered a maximum of 120 hours of training, while the CPF has a higher maximum limit of 150 hours (accumulated over 9 years); however, the training available using the CPF is limited to ones resulting in an approved certification.

Any DIF hours that were not used before 1 January 2015 are not lost – they will be available within your CPF account for a period of 5 years.

Hours that are acquired via the CPF scheme are not lost if your situation changes, for example if you change or lose your job.

See also

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