We are a globally trusted brand. Partnering with us gives you access to extensive networks and expertise in international English learning, cultural and educational programmes.
Our network
- Established in 1934, the British Council works in over 100 countries and territories
- We have been operating in France since 1944
- We have over 200 staff in France
Our assets
- A globally trusted brand linked to international cultural relations
- We have knowledge and understanding of working in different cultures and languages around the world
- Our expertise spans education and language teaching, all art forms & creative industries, youth and community engagement governance and reform.
- We maintain strong international networks at all, levels, from young learners to government ministers
- We work closely with UK government departments, national governments and ministries around the world, and multilateral organisations
Do you want to partner with us?
To know more about partnerships opportunities, please contact us. We would be really interested to hear from you.
You can email us at contactsfrance@britishcouncil.fr.