A British choreographer living in Seville, Yinka Esi Graves explores the connections between flamenco and other forms of bodily expression, particularly from the angle of the modern African diaspora. Her first solo project The Disappearing Act brings several stories together: the African presence in Spain, the lived experiences of black women, patterns of invisibilisation observed in nature... and is presented at the Festival d'Avignon this summer.
Yinka Esi Graves will also participate in several events at the festival:
Les Assises de la diversité in the Cour du Cloître, as part of the Café des Idées, on 17 July from 12pm to 1pm.
A morning session at the Cloître Saint-Louis on 18 July at 10:30am.
A screening of Gurumbé's film « Mémoires Afro-Andalousiennes » on 20th July: from 3pm to 4:12pm, followed by a discussion with Miguel Angel Rosales from 4pm to 5pm.