Shared with more than 30 countries around the world and reaching over four million listeners, Selector is a weekly show presented by Sian Eleri and produced by Audio Always for the British Council. It is available globally, free of charge, and offers an eclectic mix of the best new UK music: jazz, grime, indie, and electronica.
For our UK/France Spotlight on Culture 2024 programme, we are bringing Selector Radio to France to immerse audiences in the heart of local music scenes in cities like Bristol, Belfast, Cardiff, Liverpool, and Glasgow, showcasing the best emerging talent. Through this programme, we are working on forging new partnerships with French radio stations.
Mo Ayoub, presenter for Selector Radio and BBC Radio 1, is DJing at some of our activities alongside other musicians shaping the landscape of the UK music scenee, notably at the macBAR in Lyon during the launch of our programme.
Selector Radio will also be present for our Endings and New Beginnings Celebration at the end of the programme.