La sécurité de votre enfant au British Council

 Please take note of the measures put in place to welcome your child in the best possible environment. 

Code of conduct in the classroom

The British Council’s behaviour policy is designed to support the way in which staff and students can positively collaborate to make the best progress in English. This policy aims to help children and teenagers progress and develop their English skills in a fun, safe and secure environment. 

Find our full policy here. If you have any further questions, please contact us at

Our anti-bullying policy

The British Council believes that all Young Learners have a right to a safe and healthy learning environment. The staff, parents and young leaners have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance as part of our Equality Diversity and Inclusion policy.  

The British Council will not tolerate behaviour that infringes on the safety or well-being of any Young Learner. A Young Learner shall not intimidate, harass, or bully another Young Learner through words or actions, either online or face-to-face. This behaviour includes direct physical contact, such as hitting, pushing, or shoving; verbal assaults, such as threatening, teasing or name-calling, social isolation, image sharing or manipulation either online or in face-to-face contexts.

Find our full policy here.

If you would like to report or discuss an issue, please write to

Our child protection policy

If you are worried about a child or about the conduct of a member of staff, please contact a member of our management team, the national Safeguarding Manager or a member of the Child Protection Team

You can report a serious incident to SAFECALL 

Our mobile device policy

Learn about our full mobile device policy and the rules our students follow.

Our intimate care policy

Intimate care may be defined as any activity required to meet the personal care needs of each very young child 2-5 years on our Early Years programme, which they are unable to do for themselves. Parents have a responsibility to advise the British Council of any special intimate care needs of their child, and the British Council has a responsibility to work in partnership with children and parents.

Find full details here, and please return the form signed to your child's teacher.

Covid-19 updates

You will find the latest protocols on our dedicated Covid-19 page.

Our policy on inclusion

At the British Council we treat all people equally regardless of their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, where they are from, cultural background, physical ability or educational needs. We believe everyone is equal and everyone is important with all their differences and similarities.

In our Teaching Centre we promote inclusive learning which means we welcome everyone and will try to make sure, wherever possible, everyone has equal access to English language education with the British Council. We want to hear from you / your parents if you have any specific needs so we can make the necessary changes wherever possible. Together we will decide on how we can best support you. The information you share will enable us to make the necessary changes wherever possible to improve your learning experience.

In an inclusive learning classroom all learners participate actively, feel safe and feel welcome so they can do their best. All learners will benefit from working together in inclusive environments as you will learn with, and from, each other. We aim to help you develop empathy, learn to celebrate difference, have a positive understanding of yourself and others, and to appreciate diversity as something that enriches and strengthens everyone.

The diversity of our teachers, staff and learners stimulates the learning environment and enhances everyone’s creativity.

See also