Browse through our free online English learning materials. Thousands of resources and activities created by the world's English experts are available for you to use.
Learn English with websites

M. Wright
- Learn English online with the British Council’s free website for adult learners. The site contains hundreds of pages of audio, text and video content and over 2,000 interactive exercises. You can become a member and contribute to the site, interact with other users and download free resources.
- Learn English while having fun with games and jokes. You can find games for all tastes to help you practice your English. There are also hundreds of illustrated jokes to help you play, enjoy and learn.
- We have lots of audio and video materials for language practice. The materials include podcast stories, an audio soap opera and a series of English language teaching TV programmes produced with the BBC.
- Would like to improve your business English? Would you like to apply for international jobs where English is the language of work? We have the right resources to help you improve your business English.
- Discover our Mini English Lessons series. 19 mini English lessons episodes give you tips on English grammar, vocabulary and conversation.
- 6 conseils pour apprendre l'anglais rapidement
- 6 idées pour améliorer votre vocabulaire anglais chez vous
- Compétences pour savoir écouter parfaitement l’anglais
- Regarder un film en anglais pour améliorer sa compréhension
- Les différents temps verbaux pour la conjugaison anglaise
- Comment préparer un certificat de niveau B1 en anglais
- Comment préparer le certificat de niveau B2 d'anglais
- Comment préparer le certificat de niveau C1 en anglais
English for kids between 3 - 5
- Discover our Learning English with Timmy YouTube channel. Co-produced with Aardman animation studios, we offer a series of animations which teach English to pre-school aged children in a playful manner.
- Pourquoi est-il important d'apprendre les langues dans la petite enfance?
- Apprendre l'anglais en jouant dans la petite enfance.
- Livres en anglais pour les premières années de vos enfants
- Musique en anglais pour apprendre la langue pendant les premières années de vos enfants
- Chansons en anglais pour les jeunes enfants en premières années de maternelle
English for kids between 5 - 12
LearnEnglish Kids is a fun, educational website for children aged from 5–12. There are online vocabulary and grammar games, songs, stories, videos and a range of activities which focus on developing literacy skills. LearnEnglish Kids also provides teachers and parents with hundreds of free printable resources and a support section for parents who want to help their children learn English outside of the classroom.
- Activités avec des nombres ou numéros
- Activités en anglais
- Recettes en anglais
- Sélection de livres en anglais
- Le théâtre en anglais pour les enfants
- Comment rendre l'apprentissage de l'anglais amusant?
- Apprendre les mois de l'année en anglais à l'aide de chansons amusantes
- Jeux en anglais
- Activités pour améliorer le vocabulaire anglais
English for teens
Are you a teenager learning English or are your teenage children studying English? The LearnEnglish Teens website is designed for 13 to17 year-olds. They can find language practice, tips for exams, grammar and vocabulary, as well as fun activities including videos, games and puzzles.
English for parents
LearnEnglish Kids also offers tools to parents who want to help their child learn English.
- Cinq conseils pour aider votre enfant avec l'orthographe anglaise
- Activités avec des nombres ou numéros
- Activités en anglais
- Recettes en anglais
- Pourquoi est-il important d'apprendre les langues dans la petite enfance?
- Apprendre l'anglais en jouant dans la petite enfance
- Livres en anglais pour les premières années de vos enfants
- Musique en anglais pour apprendre la langue pendant les premières années de vos enfants
For English teachers
- Discover our TeachingEnglish website which includes thousands of pedagogical resources created by our English language teaching experts. It also provides a platform where you can discuss and exchange ideas with other teachers.
- LearnEnglish Kids also offers a section for teachers including hundreds of free printable resources.
- Discover a range of MOOCS which offer teacher training for professionals.
- Discover our Mini English Lessons series. 19 episodes of mini English lessons you can use during class to help explain standard English grammar, vocabulary and conversation rules.
IELTS candidates
We offer numerous online IELTS preparation tools for IELTS candidates. You can find the information here.
You can also access the following resources:
- online preparation courses for adults and for teens
- IELTS practice tests